Maybe, many times, you haven’t felt like your voice was heard. Because of its particularities, you were led to believe that you don’t belong, that your voice does not sound… at all. Because you don’t…
Browsing CategoryBlog Blogue de Femme sans enfant.
Blogue de Femme sans enfant.
World Childless Week is back!
What is World Childless Week? World Childless Week aims to raise public awareness about people who are childless by circumstance (those who have not chosen to be childless). The aim of this annual event is…
Childless woman : contribute to a book and share you experience!
La CORPS féministe is looking for personal accounts of your lived experience as a childless woman. During this year’s Semaine Mondiale des Sans Enfant par Circonstances de la Vie ( World Childless Week), I would like to propose…